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Yes, MUCH much bigger.

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Q: Is King Kong bigger than Bigfoot?
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What were King Kong bigger than?

Everything except the building he tried to climb.

Can gignatosaurs kill King Kong?

Probably, gignatosaurs is large and strong enough to kill king kong, since gignatosaurs is bigger than t-rex.

Did King Kong die?

In the American version of the battle, Godzilla lost and probably drowned. In the Japanese version, King Kong lost the battle. The answer above is right but in real Godzilla King Kong is tiny to Godzilla and Godzilla cant be drowned.So the American version is wrong

Is a foot bigger than a yard?

Depends on whose foot it is...bigfoot's foot might be.

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London is larger than Hong Kong (8,000,000 to 7,000,000).

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In the movie King Kong (the latest one, not the oldies), King Kong actually took on three or four T-rexes by himself and killed them all. So no, T-rex would not be able to kill the great King Kong.

Is king size bigger than queen size?

The king is bigger.

What is bigfoot's weakness?

he is shy

Why do people think there is no such thing as a bigfoot?

If people saw a tall man or woman call them bigfoot cause bigfoot is big other's are bigger than their doors like me im taller than my mom but im no bigfoot cause im only 11 years old and my mom is 33 years old but im taller thank her

Is a Queen Size bed bigger than a king size bed?

No, a king-size is bigger than a queen-size.