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Yes, very much so. His actions and his final 'promotion' to demi-god is mythical.

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Q: Is Hercules a mythical hero
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Is Hercules from roman or renaisance?

Hercules is the Roman name of a Greek mythical hero.

Which mythical greek hero performed 12 labors and why?

Hercules because he wanted to

Which mythical Greek hero performed 12 labors?

Initially, Hercules was required to complete ten labors, not twelve. King Eurystheus decided Hercules' first task would be to bring him the skin of an invulnerable lion which terrorized the hills around Nemea.

What are the main stars in Hercules the Hero constellation?

The main stars in the Hercules constellation include Alpha Herculis (Rasalgethi), Beta Herculis (Kornephoros), Delta Herculis (Sarin), and Zeta Herculis (Heze). These stars are among the brightest in the constellation and help in forming the shape associated with the mythical hero Hercules.

Where is Hercules mention in the bible?

No, Hercules is a mythical figure who never lived. Sampson however was very real. His account can be found in Judges.

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Is Hercules Greek or Roman?

Hercules is a Greek hero. -- The Greek hero was called Heracles. Hercules is simply his Latin (Roman) name.

Is Hercules a important playwright?

Hercules is not a playwright. He is a hero.

How did Hercules change life today?

Hercules was and is a mythical figure. He did not change anyone s life today.

Was Hercules a spartan?

Hercules was a hero of Sparta. I bet you $90

Who was the mythical Greek youth who drowned in the Hellespont?

Leander and Hero were the mythical lovers that drowned in the Hellespont.

Was Hercules a gladiator?

No. Hercules was the roman version of the greek hero, Herakles.