Oh heavans no!
Derek Hough is a wonderfull person!
He is NOT a smoker,
he used to smoke when he was in his 20's!
But he quit a few years ago! :)
Derek Hough is a boy.
Derek Hough is 32 years old (birthdate: May 17, 1985).
If Derek Hough has a middle name, it isn't included in his online biographies. Derek is a choreographer and a dancer from Salt Lake City, Utah.
He is a Mormon sectarian !
Derek Hough May 17, 1985 (1985-05-17) Salt Lake City, Utah\ Derek is a dancer, actor, singer, musician, choreographer, director.
Derek Hough is a boy.
no derek hough has never smoked in his life
Derek Hough was born on May 17, 1985.
As of March 2014, Derek Hough appears to be single.
Derek Hough has a net worth of $3 million.
5'8" officially
Derek Hough is 32 years old (birthdate: May 17, 1985).
of course they are
it was for you
If you mean Derek Hough from DWTS, he weighs 155lbs and is 5' 10" tall.
yes there are....and he is one hottie!!!!! go to you tube.com Sir Hottness.....Derek Hough
No. His sister, Julianne Hough was.