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James Cameron's Avatar is currently out in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D formats.

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Q: In theaters what formats is 'Avatar' showing in?
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What is 2d avatar?

Avatar is showing in 3 formats in theaters: in IMAX 3D, 3D, and in regular cinema format.

Do all the theaters show Avatar in 3D?

No , some theaters are showing "Avatar" only in 2D .

Does Avatar the Last Airbender have a midnight showing the day before it comes out?

Only in some theaters

Why is avatar back in theaters?

Avatar is back in theaters because they have added an extra 8 minuetes

When is last day of avatar in theaters?

Check your local listings to find out when Avatar might be leaving theaters in your area.

Is there going to be an avatar book 4 or a spin off of the show?

No, theres not a book 4 in avatar. But there is going 2 be a live-action movie of Avatar in theaters. It starts showing July 2, 2010. If u were as much a avatar fan as i, u would know that.

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Is avatar in cinemas?

Avatar was released December 18, 2009 and is still in theaters.

When is Avatar in theaters?

December 18, 2009.

What year was Avatar released in theaters?


Is Avatar still playing in the theatres?

no, unfortunately avatar has been out of theaters for about a week now.

What year did the movie avatar come out in theaters?

December 18, 2009 .