Go to the tip of the flag pole above the british flag dudes, and slowly work your way up in a straight line looking for him, he is very very faint and near the middle.
hes next to the Nissan gtr (the white car) at the end of the studio on the right page and behind the plasma and seats in the middle of the studio
there is a top gear annual 2009 and 2010 theres also a top gear magazine out every month and there is a wheres stig book as a copy of he classic wheres wally. there is now a childrens magazine as well
up your left nostril
stig is behind the board that says stig rocks on the right
There isn't one, he is in the middle of the left hand page behind the palm tree near the pink car.
i got told he is at the coffee bar but i don't know were it is
there is a top gear annual 2009 and 2010 theres also a top gear magazine out every month and there is a wheres stig book as a copy of he classic wheres wally. there is now a childrens magazine as well
stupid stig
up your left nostril
stig is behind the board that says stig rocks on the right
"Where's Stig? And Where's Stig: The World Tour" are books based on the character Stig from the TV show Top Gear. In these books, Stig is hidden in various scenes, but Jordan is not featured in the studio as it primarily focuses on Stig.
There isn't one, he is in the middle of the left hand page behind the palm tree near the pink car.
under the builders on a bike
i got told he is at the coffee bar but i don't know were it is
she died in a car crash before the first book
In Top Gear, the British television show about cars, The Stig is a character that wears a mask and full race car driving outfit. The running jock is that The Stig is mocking the anonymity of race car drivers who wear a full face helmet. The Stig was unmasked in series 15, when the person playing The Stig, race car driver, Ben Collins, was about to release an autobiography revealing that he was indeed The Stig. Top Gear unmasked the character before the book was released.
The Stig's identity is hidden. Although it is known that there have been at least two of them. The first one (who identity I think I was able to see on wikipedia) was "killed off". The show when he was shown driving a jag off of an aricraft carrier he was the all black Stig. He was replaced by the all white clad stig from the next series which is played by Ben Collins who has played in the Toyota Aygo car football challenge and was wearing the same brand top as the stigs shoes plus if you hear the Stig's voice and Ben Collins voice they sound just like each other. Look up videos of the Stig talking and compare them.The Stig slips upIn 2003, The Stig released his autobiography entitled 'Flat Out, Flat Broke' in which he spoke openly about his time in Formula 1. Whilst the book was well received, The Stig unfortunately let slip his real identity and a stunned world discovered that the man behind the helmet was in fact Adam Jacob!!A stiggy endWith Perry McCarthy's shocking revelation still reverberating around the globe, the unthinkable happened and tragedy struck. At the beginning of his fourth series of Top Gear, Perry McCarthy as The Stig, attempted to out run a Harrier jet along the length of an aircraft carrier. The world watched in horror as he failed to brake in time and plunged over the end to his watery doom. His body was never recovered.Stig's dead: long live Stig!Despite the almost unbelievable events that had unfolded in front of their very eyes Hammond, May and Clarkson managed to pull themselves together and begin the arduous task of searching for Stig Mark II. Pretty soon almost straight, away in fact, they found a worthy replacement for their lost hero and 'New Stig' was unleashed upon the world.
Girl: Dorothy from wizard of oz or pippi longstoking Boy: Wheres wally or Harry Potter