The former French monetary unit equal to 100 centimes is known as the franc.
Several countries used or currently use currency denominated in francs. If you're referring to French or Belgian francs, they were withdrawn from circulation in 2002 when the euro was introduced so it's difficult to make a comparison to the current USD. At that time the French franc was worth about 22¢ and the Belgian franc was worth about 2¢. If you're referring to Swiss francs, they're still in use. However exchange rates change every day so any answer posted here would be out of date almost immediately. While it's not normal Wiki s policy to say "use the Internet", that's the best approach in this case. You can check a site such as, CNNMoney, etc. for the latest conversion factors.
About that time when the french were settling in quebec and other areas they traded furs with the Indians and then sold them for money and food. They would make there clothing out of the furs sometimes or they would buy their clothing.
If you want to be a more versatile accountant and not just stay in an English speaking country yes you may as well. French is a very popular language so say if jobs in accounting were becoming rare, you could go to a French speaking country for a job. Another advantage is if you can speak French in the office and employ it well within the workplace and make money off it you should be able to get more money on your salary. Being bilingual never hurts!
It is the Euro. It used to be the French franc,but as with most countries in the European Union, they switched to the Euro in 2002; by 2005, the coins could no longer be used or traded for Euros. Paper francs are still OK, but only till 2012, when the transition to the Euro is expected to be complete. It's been long enough that most shops deal in Euros and francs are getting more and more rare, because they'll have no value soon (except as collector's items, not as currency). Hope that helps. No critique intended, but question should be 'what is the monetary unit of France'? harm or argument, just saying that for your benefit and for the benefit of the community...good luck.
people get jobs and make money for the state and the governer osf nebraska
If you're referring to old or badly worn cash, you can bring it to a bank and exchange it. From there, cash is sorted and separated by condition and the beat up bills are sent out for disposal. To make the exchange, the money has to still be something in use (money like German Marks and French Francs are obsolete), and with paper money, there usually needs to be at least 51% of the bill remaining for it to be valid.
I presume that you are talking about French francs, which are no longer in use. In France and most of Europe they now use Euros. There are about 80 Euros to 100 dollars, but this can change from day to day, especially in these uncertain times. However, if you are talking about 100 Swiss francs, then they are worth about $112 US dollars as of today. Currency rates fluctuate from day to day.
"Gagner argent" is a French term, which means: "to make money". "Argent" is the French word for money and "gagner" is French for earning in this context.
People in French Guiana make a living by agriculture. They farm and harvest and they also sell their foods for money.
1 euro is 6.55 ff
They just gain the biber's fur
Several countries used or currently use currency denominated in francs. If you're referring to French or Belgian francs, they were withdrawn from circulation in 2002 when the euro was introduced so it's difficult to make a comparison to the current USD. At that time the French franc was worth about 22¢ and the Belgian franc was worth about 2¢. If you're referring to Swiss francs, they're still in use. However exchange rates change every day so any answer posted here would be out of date almost immediately. While it's not normal Wiki s policy to say "use the Internet", that's the best approach in this case. You can check a site such as, CNNMoney, etc. for the latest conversion factors.
to make french rich and powerful at trading whoever controls the trade controls the money
5 Dollars (Canadian or US), 5 Francs (French or Belgian), 5 Roubles, 5 Lire, 5 Marks? The date and condition will make a difference, too.
2.130 trillion-2.867 trillion