Well, there are two ways. It is a lock EXACTLY like the lock in the episode and once you have watched this episode or it has aired if you just press Patrick next to the lock he will come over and solve it for you. Hope you get it and like the episode!
figure it out
All you basically have to do is when he is about to charge you hit him with your spatula and sometimes you might get a good chance of hitting him while he's charging.
After prawn stops attacking you, use the bubble bowl move to hit him. After that, Ham-mers will appear. Do the same thing. Then, even more Ham-mers will appear. Do the same thing. After that, you defeat him.
the king of argos (i think) or her husband threw her and perseus into the sea in a chest. you can see her corpse in the chest with perseus when the fisherman finds it at the beginning of the film.
Resolution of clash of the titans
Yes they will start at July 6.
Try watching the Full Clash of Triton Video and find the lock.
After you watched Clash of Triton go to the puzzle lock and Patrick will be their click on him and you get trident of Neptune
figure it out
hit him with your number five weopon
In a puzzle in the main menu where u click on the chest and you go th the puzzle but u just have to click on Patrick to win
It's already been released
There is a chest cycle in Clash Royale. The way to earn any type of chest is by playing the game and winning battles.