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Do Eric Cartman and Kyle Broflovski hate each other (you may ask)? The answer you are looking for is yes … and no. Why, well I'll tell:

Kyle hates Cartman because he is always being an ass (24/7) about everything. Cartman is very anti-Semitic (by the way he is a huge Mel Gibson fan) and always makes fun of Kyle for being Jewish.

Cartman hates Kyle for many reasons (then again he hates everything he across). One of the main reasons for his hatred towards Kyle is because he is Jewish. For others, Kyle makes fun of Cartman for being fat (and stupid) (and for being such an ass about everything) (although Cartman denies this, it he is all three of these things).

Although their friendship is very (, very) distant, it's there. There have been episodes in which from time to time they help each other. The fact that it's there, it's there no question about it.

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because Kyle doesn't put up with any of Eric's crap!!!!!!!!

Because he is Jewish

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Cartman hates Kyle, Jews, Redheads. List goes on

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Q: In South Park why Kyle and Cartman hate each other?
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