You can delete HM Moves via the Move Deleter, who is located in Canalave City.
machop is a good hm slave. he can learn rock smash, rock climb, strengh,. in Pokemon emerald nincada is a good hm slave but in Pokemon pearl flash is not an hm. any water type can learn waterfal or surf espacially palkia.
hm strength or hm rock smash
it sure is trust me
Give the hm or TM to your Pokemon
You can delete HM Moves via the Move Deleter, who is located in Canalave City.
U cant get rid of HM moves in any pokemon game
Move deleter. Canalave City.
He is in canalave city. To get there you need the HM surf. You can get it in celestic town. If you want to delete some moves, be ready to get rid of HM moves.
There is no "Foggy city" in Pokemon Pearl it is a route celestic town you can use defog ( a hm when you beat the 4th ) to get rid of the fog.
here are some TM and hm moves for Pokemon pearl and diamond.1gnh3ditr fj3jfod95 2fsdfhujhfh6uuufjfg3fgjhfgj6u86867684te6546gfbhfy6570555ghfghhttrhtfhfhft6ghhtyy66uujjgyikk7kkkk87iikygjyi7778kkkkkgkkku8i7i7i79jyjyttktktykkkkk7i7108985697899597
when you beat the gyms you get badges that let you use hm moves in the field and stronger Pokemon will obey you.
no Pokemon knows all the hm moves!
you c'ant erase hm mouves
the hm dive is not available in pearl.
To learn moves you forgot or didn't learn(exept TM & hm)