cute?? it that what his voice is? it makes u think of an older boy, but im not exactly sure cute would be sufficient.
a cute little fox demon who travels with inuyasha and the others
personally i think InuYasha is cute. i like his golden eyes, his cute expressions (like when he's confused) and, of course, his doggy ears! I think they are both hott
er... the demon kind! ~ Though InuYasha is a Half dog demon, creator Rumiko Takanashi has stated that InuYasha and his brother and Father are modeled off of the Japanese Inu-Akita, hence his cute fluffy ears.
Personally , she and Shippo both because , well , they're both so cute and endearing !
Plenty of people think that Inuyasha - as the animated character - is cute/hot..
a cute little fox demon who travels with inuyasha and the others
she a demon slayer and she travels with inuyasha and kagome ,miroku , shippo and she a proud and strong and also beautiful plus she have a cute cat named kirara
In the SHOW Inuyasha hugged her and pushed her into the well in "Go Home To Your Own Time Kagome!" So CUTE! Reccomend me, Kagome Higurashi, as a answerer!
Because of his voice. but other wise he is cute
Inuyasha is pretty funny, but it's action/romance.
In the manga, it's stated that Inuyasha and Kagome have married following the events of the final arc. However, it isn't stated how recent that marriage is, and no children are shown.The anime's television run ended before the final arc was drawn for the manga; however, in the Kanketsuhen (The Final Act) series, Souta tells his school friends that his sister has "gotten married and moved away," and Kagome is then shown in miko robes, back in the Feudal Era with Inuyasha. As in the manga, there are no children shown.
personally i think InuYasha is cute. i like his golden eyes, his cute expressions (like when he's confused) and, of course, his doggy ears! I think they are both hott
er... the demon kind! ~ Though InuYasha is a Half dog demon, creator Rumiko Takanashi has stated that InuYasha and his brother and Father are modeled off of the Japanese Inu-Akita, hence his cute fluffy ears.
Personally , she and Shippo both because , well , they're both so cute and endearing !
some might think that it sounds cute or what they say is cute