The flowers that are in season for April are tulips,roses,lilies and chrysanthemums. There just plain beautiful
The season is winter.
The NBA season ends around mid-April.
Between April and September
I read that season 7 started on April 10, 2008
The poem "O to be in England now that April's there" was written by the English poet Robert Browning. The poem reflects on the beauty of England in the springtime and the longing to be there during that season.
The US soccer season runs the same as in Italy or most European country's team. Mid August - Late April or early May.
In Australia, April falls in the season of Autumn.
New England didn't have a growing season
April in the southern hemisphere is in Autumn. In the northern hemisphere it is in Spring.
April is the first full month of the spring season in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, it's the first full month of the fall season.
Usually April 23... ... but if it's April 23 at 06:00 in Sydney, it's April 22 in England, and if it's April 23 at 9 PM in New York, it's April 24 in England.
yes there is a season three april
The flowers that are in season for April are tulips,roses,lilies and chrysanthemums. There just plain beautiful
April falls during the summer season in India. Temperatures are typically hot during this time, with some regions experiencing high humidity.