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Officially and canonically, no. However, it is implied that Nuka and Vitani could be Scar's cubs, but it wasn't made official by the Lion King II filmmakers. In the beginning of the film, Nuka remarks "Kovu, Kovu, Kovu. Scar wasn't his even father." which implies he could be Scar's son while Vitani has genetic traits that resemble Scar (i.e. her nose, her visible claws that stick out of her paws), though she appears to be the same size and age as Kovu is and Kovu's father isn't Scar. Oddily enough, Nuka and Vitani never refered to Scar as their father throughout the movie nor in the deleted scene so it is left up to fanfiction.

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Q: In ''Lion King 2'' did Scar have any kids?
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What was Simba's brother's name?

Mufasa's brother is Scar. At the beginning of The lion king Scar is visited by Mufasa and Scar says to him "Why if it isn't my big brother".

Lion king 2 scar's sons name?

No! scar did not have any cubskovu was hand chosen by scar to be king after scar died. but it would have never happened because simba came back.aswell for vitani and nuka. their not related in any guessing that scar and zira had a tight bond like best friends. but zira wasnt featured in any part of the first movie.0.o_

Who is zira in the Lion King?

A lioness who was obsessively in love with Scar and remained loyal to him, which is why Simba exiled her and others like her from the pride and Pridelands even though Zira and they hadn't commited any crime. Zira appears only in the sequel film The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. A deleted scene of the movie reveals Zira saying that if Scar was still alive and the king, she would be his queen. But it is not revealed if this is true or just her fantasy. As in, there is no official knowledge if she was intented as Scar's mate or just a big fangirl of him. Zira is the villain of the story, trying to revenge Scar's death and kill Simba in order for her son, Kovu to become the king, as Scar had chosen Kovu to become the next king. Scar was not Kovu's father, that is stated twice in the film and once in the deleted scene. Again, Zira was not necessarely Scar's mate.

How did Altaïr get his scar?

There is no such character as Altair, in any official material of The Lion King. Therefore this seems to be a question of non-profit fanfiction and better to be asked directly from the person who created the character.

What are the names of the chapters in the Lion King?

The Lion King isn't a book, so it doesn't have any chapters.However, there are three films of the Lion King film series, the first being The Lion King, the second being The Lion King II: Simba's Pride, and the third being The Lion King 1½.

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What was Simba's brother's name?

Mufasa's brother is Scar. At the beginning of The lion king Scar is visited by Mufasa and Scar says to him "Why if it isn't my big brother".

What is the girl called in lion king?

in lion king there's simba, mufassa, nala, scar, sarabi, sarafina, zira, Kira, nuka, vitani, kovu, and any more i missed let me know

Lion king 2 scar's sons name?

No! scar did not have any cubskovu was hand chosen by scar to be king after scar died. but it would have never happened because simba came back.aswell for vitani and nuka. their not related in any guessing that scar and zira had a tight bond like best friends. but zira wasnt featured in any part of the first movie.0.o_

Who is zira in the Lion King?

A lioness who was obsessively in love with Scar and remained loyal to him, which is why Simba exiled her and others like her from the pride and Pridelands even though Zira and they hadn't commited any crime. Zira appears only in the sequel film The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. A deleted scene of the movie reveals Zira saying that if Scar was still alive and the king, she would be his queen. But it is not revealed if this is true or just her fantasy. As in, there is no official knowledge if she was intented as Scar's mate or just a big fangirl of him. Zira is the villain of the story, trying to revenge Scar's death and kill Simba in order for her son, Kovu to become the king, as Scar had chosen Kovu to become the next king. Scar was not Kovu's father, that is stated twice in the film and once in the deleted scene. Again, Zira was not necessarely Scar's mate.

How did Altaïr get his scar?

There is no such character as Altair, in any official material of The Lion King. Therefore this seems to be a question of non-profit fanfiction and better to be asked directly from the person who created the character.

What are the names of the chapters in the Lion King?

The Lion King isn't a book, so it doesn't have any chapters.However, there are three films of the Lion King film series, the first being The Lion King, the second being The Lion King II: Simba's Pride, and the third being The Lion King 1½.

What part of Africa was the Lion King?

The lion king was a fictional story, and was not based on any certain part of Africa.

Is Lion King 2 on Broadway?

No, there isn't any Broadway production of The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.

Did Phil Collins sing on the Lion King?

No. Phil Collins did not sing any songs heard in The Lion King.

What is the name of the lemar on the Lion King?

There aren't any lemurs seen in The Lion King, as most lemurs reside in the country, Madagascar, where The Lion King, for a fact, isn't set there.

Did Lion King made any mistake?

Yes, there are a number of goofs seen in The Lion King. Most of them are listed on the film's page on or you can search for The Lion King on

Who did Zira mate with in ''The Lion King''?

It is highly implied that Zira drowned as the last shot of her shows her arm (as well as her whole body) being overtaken by the rushing waters. Since Disney has made no confirmation on producing any sequels to The Lion King II, this may be the only time her character will be seen to this point so we can assume Zira is in fact dead.