The colonists thought it was not fair if England kept taxing them when they didn't even have a say in Parliament. So I think that it was a meaningful slogan because to this day you can tax someone without a vote or say.
Is that the one with Clint Eastwood and Sandra Locke?? Sorry can't remember the title of the film
I hate being looked at by people. Alternative: Being looked at by people is abhorrent to me. ......................................... Both wrong, correct is: "the people looking at me are hated by me" from: Abid Pakistani
what about 'no S*it, Sherlock'?
Being a dork is when u think your being cool but u actually are not that cool!! Its not a bad thing but its your way of looking,thinking phiscal movement,
Basically anyone who was looking for a source of entertainment and willing to watch some blood being shed.
If a power steering pulley is slipping, it is usually the problem with the belt being worn. A person can try a small drop or two of dish soap on the belt so see if that makes it stop slipping or the belt might need to be replaced.
march 11 2009
The smell comes from the new clutch and usually because you are riding it, or slipping it. Being a new clutch it reacts to almost any pressure. Stop riding or slipping it and this will stop.
The right spelling is "mannequin" : representation of a human being.
You can say, 'I am looking forward to being there." or "I look forward to being there."
Our town does not have effective representation in the state capitol. The US might still belong to the United Kingdom if the American colonists had been given representation in Parliament. His representation of his actions was at odds with the physical evidence. An actor needs representation in the form of an agent, so that he is aware of the roles that are being auditioned.
that is your brakes catching then being pulled just a little bit to the side and losing traction and going back and catching again. so its catching and slipping and catching and slipping really fast
The name of the hereditary traits chart is the Punnett square. It is a visual representation used to predict the probability of traits being passed on from parents to offspring.
by being really cool.
They did not like being taxed by a Parliament in which they had no representation.The colonists did not have representation in British Parliament. Thus came the phrase "No taxation without representation," from James Otis, an Anerican revolutionary.
Most likely.