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That depends on what name she called you and whether or not she was joking. I have occasionally told guys that I like that they're jerks in a half-serious vioce while hitting them, only to hug them a few seconds later. Of course, this isn't out of the blue, normally they've done something that wasn't exactly nice.

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Q: If a girl calls you a name does that mean she likes you?
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He's giving you a pet name. He likes you. I actually use this with the girls I like

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She likes you or doesn't like you at the moment. Ask her just in case.

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He forgot your name.

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What it means when a boy call your name and turns around is that he likes you. He want for the girl to pay attention to him.

If a girl calls you by your name a lot does that mean she likes you?

Not necessarily. Using someone's name a lot could be a sign of friendliness or simply a habit the person has. It's important to look for other indicators of interest, such as body language and the content of the conversation, to determine if she likes you.

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Either he is embaressed or likes a girl. If he likes a girl he may blush when he hears her name or is talking to that girl

If a girl knows your name and you never met her then does that mean she likes you?

that does mean she likes you but not nessesarily likesyou if she didn't like you she wouldn't have bothered to learn your name

There is this girl that smiles at me in all of our classes and we talk and she writes my name on her paper sometimes does that mean she likes me?

She likes you! How can you not know that?

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I am a GIRL. That means they are FLIRTING with you! Congrats!

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it's a cutie, girlfriend name! I think somebody likes you, and wants to show it!

What does it mean if a girl gives you nicknames?

I might mean she likes you. If it sounds cute and if he she says it all the time instead of your real name the. It might mean she likes you

What does it mean when a guy calls you Lizzie when my name is Elizabeth?

Is it a name that you go by? If not, then he likes you. If so, he is trying to get to know you. Hes trying to flirt with you in ways