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Q: I can't go into the cave that leads to Dialga?
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Do you have to go up the waterfall to get to Dialga?

Dialga is not behind the waterfall all that is there is Dratini and Dragonair You find Dialga in a hidden cave in the wall on the east side of it. Love to answer your questions!!!!!

How do you get Dialga on plantinum?

After you catch giratina,I'm pretty sure there will be two ovals,one pink and one blue,the blue oval contains dialga and the pink one contains palkia you need the adamant and lustrous orb if you have them click on the oval and they will show up!

How do you find Dialga for pokedex?

you go to celestic town ad go to to one of the houses nearest to the cave, talk to a the lady in the house she will show u a picture of dialga and then u have it

How do you get the orbs in mt cornet?

If it is in Pokemon Platinum, after you get Waterfall, go inside a cave and use Waterfall. There is a mini cave. Go in, and there is two items. they are the Admant and Lustrious orbs. They are not in Diamond and Pearl. Keep the items in your bag, go to Spear pillar, and Dialga and Palkia's portals are there. First there is a blue portal. Talk to it. Dialga's in there. Say yes to the question, and you will battle it. Once you finish the battle, go outside Spear pillar, then come back in. There is a pink portal, and Palkia's in there. Good luck!

What do you do after you set the 3 spirit Pokemon free in diamond?

Go to the top of Mount Coronet, using the cave system from Hearthome's side. Once you have reached the top, you will find Team Galatic's Boss's waiting for you, and they will challenge you to a fight. When you have beaten them, and have beaten the final boss, you can catch Dialga/Palkia (depending on whether it is diamond or pearl).

Related questions

Do you have to go up the waterfall to get to Dialga?

Dialga is not behind the waterfall all that is there is Dratini and Dragonair You find Dialga in a hidden cave in the wall on the east side of it. Love to answer your questions!!!!!

Is there a way to catch Palkia and Dialga without trading?

well, you have to have the lustrus and admant orbs, or else you cant. To get the orbs, go to mount cornet and when you go into an outside and you have to go to your right after using rock climb once and There's a a cave. Go in it and use surf and waterfall. Then you'll see another cave with 2 poke-balls in it. Those are the orbs. then make your way back up to spear pillar and when you get there, you ill see a portal. The first summons Dialga and the second summons Palkia! after summoning dialga, go back through the cave you entered and go to the left of where dialga was, and theres a pink portal press the a button by in to summon Palkia! hope i helped Gliscor 675 signing off!

How do you get priminal Dialga in explorers of sky?

You can't get Primal Dialga, but you can get normal Dialga after you beat the cave (Lapras will always be at the beach and you can ride him to go to Hidden Land any time)

Is there a action replay code to get Dialga?

actually you can get dialga AND palkia without an action replay and how to do that is this... go to mnt coronet and go the cave with the dark little cave and the orbs will be in there after you pick them up go to celestic town and talk the old woman in the house above the cave, after that go to the spear pillar and there will be a blue little spot, talk to it and you will battle dialga, turn around and go back into the cave, then go right back to the spear pillar and there will be a purple spot, talk to it and you will battle palkia. HOPE THIS HELPS

How do you evolve riolu in Pokemon mystery dungens exploxers of sky?

you cant i tried but after you beat dialga you go to a lake and it says seince you beat dialga and fixed time you cant sorry you cant and my spelling

After you catch Dialga and Palkia in Pokemon Platinum who do you tell?

Go to the cave in Celestic town,then go to the Snowpoint temple.

How do you find Cyrus when hes in celestic town?

go in the cave that shows pictures of dialga and palkia

How do you catch mespit?

After you've got Dialga/Palkia, go to the cave in the center of Lake Verity.

Where is the fossil manicks cave in Pokemon diamond?

go strate down from the town with the dialga statue

Pokemon platinum what to do before awakening of Dialga and Palkia?

beat the elite four get the national dex and go into mt cornet. go into a cave and get the lustrous and adamant orbs and go to dialga and palkia at the top

Where do you catch a Dialga in Pokemon diamond?

spear pillar [go to hearthome city and go to the left until you see a cave]

Where do you find Dialga and a Palkia?

dialga is in spear piller when you go through mt cornet. once you have captured dialga (blue thing that you see) walk back in the cave. when you come back to spear piller palkia will be there