The Iroquois lived in their longhouses.
When a new Iroquois husband joined his wife’s family, the clan simply made the longhouse longer by adding more bent saplings to the frame and elm bark slabs to the roof. A clan's family totem would be displayed on the doorway.
trees as building materials
Up to twenty families might live in one longhouse of the Iroquois. A longhouse was one family, but not the family as western people understand it. It was centred on a woman, the matriarch of the house, and included her children and her husband and anybody who was a sister, brother, sister-by-marriage or brother-by-marriage, and all the nephews or nieces of the matriarch.
Since there were several families in one longhouse and only one cooking area...there was little other to choose from. As each family had their own responsibilities it took all to bring the meal.
An Iroquois home is called a longhouse.
An Iroquois longhouse was made of wood, bark, and mud.
An Iroquois home is a longhouse
The Iroquois lived in their longhouses.
Haundenounee means Iroquois it another name for the Iroquois It means another name for Iroquois .
families and the mothers clan lived in a longhouse
they constructed the longhouse.
yea it is a longhouse
they constructed the longhouse.