There would be no Florida if earth had no tilt. You see, earth is tilted at 23.6 degrees and without it we would have much more water on the planet and, specifically speaking, the only land on Earth would be the tops of the Himalayas and some of Hawaii. Without earths tilt, we would not be worrying about where Florida would be. Even a .1781 degree tilt can have the most devastating impact on a climate. The Savannah desert used to be a lush forest until a one-degree shift in earths rotational tilt. There are many shows treated to this on the science channel. To answer your question, it wouldn't have much I a different location. Slightly shifted.
If the earth was not tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees, there would not be the different seasons.
Maybe because the earth's tilted orbital plane causes the moon to orbit tiled, if the earth was straight it has said that the moon would orbit straight line.
Whatever direction you can possibly think of, the earth's axis is tilted by 23.5 degreesin that exact direction once every year.
When summer in New Zealand, the Earth's southern regions are tilted towards the Sun, and the North Pole tilted away from it.
Tilted axis
If the earth was not tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees, there would not be the different seasons.
There would be no four seasons if the earths axis was not tilted.
Seasonal cycle
It is tilted (23.5 degrees).
The Earth is tilted on its axis.
no seasons
Winter, spring, summer, autumn. The Earth is ALWAYS tilted, otherwise there would be no seasons. (see related question)
The seasons would be diffrent
The Earth is tilted. It affects seasons. The earth takes one year to move round the sun. In summer you are on the bit that's tilted towards the sun. In winter you're on the bit that's tilted away from the sun.
when it's cold it would be tilted when its summer its Straight :)