They were often poor, had few job skills, spoke little English, didn't understand how American democracy worked, had few resources to get help, and needed child care while they worked.
Growth of big business is given as a cause for the concentration of wealth in the 1800s.
that all people should share equally in society's wealth
Gilded Age
During the late 1800s, American industrialists got wealthy by creating monopolies and setting up trusts. The effectively kept all the wealth in the hands of a very small number of people because there was no competition.
Pres. Jefferson. The wars against the Barbary States concluded in the early 1800s (and was fought to curtail piracy on the high seas). The major city involved on the North African coast was Tripoli.
They were often poor, had few job skills, spoke little English, didn't understand how American democracy worked, had few resources to get help, and needed child care while they worked.
1. They contributed mightily to the United States' rising level of wealth.
Growth of big business is given as a cause for the concentration of wealth in the 1800s.
Until the late 1800s it was known as the Barbary Coast, named after the Berbers who inhabited the region.
As in most centuries, lots of wars occurred in the 1800s. The Napoleonic Wars, the Franco Prussian War, the Crimean War, the Prussian/Austrian War, the American/British War of 1812 and various small wars of independance in the Balkans (South East Europe).
that all people should share equally in society's wealth
that all people should share equally in society's wealth
17 states
Gilded Age
During the late 1800s, American industrialists got wealthy by creating monopolies and setting up trusts. The effectively kept all the wealth in the hands of a very small number of people because there was no competition.