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roughly 17'9"

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Q: How tall is the tallest man in the world alive?
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The tallest man and how tall?

The tallest alive man is Bao Xi Shun. And he is 2.36m (7 ft 8.95 in)Hope this is helpful :D

How tall is the tallest man in the world?

The world's tallest man ever died years ago. His name was Robert Wadlow and he was 8'11.2" tall.

What the tallest mans name and how tall?

Ukrainian, Leonid Stadnyk is the new tallest man in the world. He is 8 ft and 5 inches.

Who is the tallest man an the world?

The tallest man alive would be Sultan Kose. he's about 8 foot 3 inches and still growing.

How tall is the tallest man on the planet?

the most tallest man on the planet is an amazing 9 feet tall

Is a polar bear taller than the tallest man in the world?

Technically, yes. Polar bears can grow to be 8-11 feet tall. The tallest man in the world, currently, is 8 feet, 5 inches tall.

Who is the current tallest man alive?

Currently, the tallest man that is still alive on the earth, is 8'1. The shortest is 2'5. Thanks for asking!

Who is the biggest man alive?

Manuel Uribe is the fattest man in the world.Leonid Stadnyk is the tallest man in the world.(see related questions)

Who is the tallest known man dead and alive?

The tallest person ever alive was, Robert Wadlow. Who was 8'11.5".

World's tallest man as of 1995?

the tallest man in the world 1825

Who is worlds tallest man alive?

Guiness Book claims that the tallest female in the world. Born on 15th July in the year 1972 in China, her height was measured continuously for three consecutive days before declaring her the worlds tallest women. She is 7 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 200 kg. A tumour in the pituitary glands is responsible for her huge figure.

Who tallest man in the world?

Kirkland HAll Is tha tallest man in the world he is 22feet and 45inches