After taking all the NFL's top 3 WR - the avg Height is 6'4" tall.
about 7 feet talk p.s. as tall as Chris Bosh
Skunks are not tall. They are long. No skunk stands and walks on hind legs.
AVG Technologies's motto is 'Tough on threats. Easy on you.'.
By going to the sea witch?
Just like your legs feel like. Human legs are human legs.
A human normally has two legs.
In mixed breeds, there's no way to tell the exacts. An American Cocker Spaniel is an avg. of 15' tall, and a lab is an avg. of 22' tall, so any height there or in between is possible. Good luck ;)
Two. Sometimes both are left feet when trying to dance. Usually 4 to six feet TALL. Human's don't have feet, silly! Anywhere from 0 to 4, according to my documents of people with no legs, one leg, three legs, and four legs. Fifteen At Most. 5.
Legs McNeil is 5' 11".
because they are human because they are human
They can grow as tall 2 feet.
The answer is a human. Walking on four legs represents a human as a baby when you crawl on your hands and knees, two legs is a human as an adult and three legs is a human as an elder (both of your legs and a walking stick). -rolls eyes and sighs- everyone knows this riddle!!!
It is 8 feet tall
A human being