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Jacob imprints on renesme wen he first sees her so wen she is born... read the book its realy gud it lik u only saw haf the movie if uu don't .. hope i helpt.. talk my words sereusly plz

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Q: How old will renessme you when Jacob imprints on her in breaking dawn?
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What is the turning point in Breaking Dawn?

when Jacob black inprints on renessme

What does jacob do to reameesse in breaking dawn?

He imprints her.

In Breaking Dawn why does Jacob imprint?

Jacob can not control who he imprints on he just does

What does Jacob Black do about the baby in Breaking Dawn?

he imprints on her

Does Jacob inprint breaking dawn?

Yes, Jacob Imprints. He imprints on Bella and Edwards daughter Renesmee.

Do Jacob and Renessme become lovers in Breaking Dawn?

Jacob imprints on Renesmee while she is still a baby, which means that he has an incredibly strong love for her (not necessarily romantic). It is a werewolf trait. By the end of the Breaking Dawn book Renesmee is still to young for her relationship with Jacob to become a romantic one, but it is assumed that when Renesmee grows up it will be.

Why does Jacob stay so close to the Cullens in breaking dawn?

because of renessme. he imprinted with her.

Jacob Black imprints on Renesmee?

Yes, in Breaking Dawn.

Who does Jacob inprint on in Breaking Dawn?

Jacob imprints on Renesmee - the daughter of Edward and Bella.

Who imprints on Claire in Breaking Dawn?

Quil Ateara, Jacob's friend.

Does Jacob really imprints Bella's baby in twilight breaking dawn?


Does Jacob imprint in the Twilight saga?

Yes. Jacob Black imprints on Bella's baby in Breaking Dawn.