Victoria was 16 years old. And was a teen. She started her new teen series "Victorious" when she was 16 but in 2010 on March 27 when Victorious appeared on TV.Justice is now 19 years old in 2012. She is now an adult but looks like a teenager. When you are 18, you are an adult. Her birthday was on February 19. You can search more about Victoria Justice on and type in "about Victoria Justice".
Victoria Justice was born on February 19, 1993
Victoria Justice's half-sister is Madison Grace Reed, born April 29, 1996.
Victoria Justice
Victoria Justice is 19 years old as of August 5, 2012. Her birthday is February 19, 1993. The day before my birthday, February 20, 2001. Yes, 2001! But, anyways. Victoria Justice is 19 years old. Hope this helped!-- LiveitLoveitAK --
Victoria Justice from Nickeloden's Victorious is now 18 years old.
Victoria was 16 years old. And was a teen. She started her new teen series "Victorious" when she was 16 but in 2010 on March 27 when Victorious appeared on TV.Justice is now 19 years old in 2012. She is now an adult but looks like a teenager. When you are 18, you are an adult. Her birthday was on February 19. You can search more about Victoria Justice on and type in "about Victoria Justice".
Victoria Justice was born on February 19th 1993, making her 17 years old.
Victoria Justices sister Madison turned 17 years old on May 28, 2013. Victoria Justice is the lead character on the Nickelodeon TV show 'Victorious' and supporting character on 'iCarly'.
As of 2011, Victoria Justice is 18 years old.
As of 2011, Victoria Justice is 18 years old. She was born in 1993.
Avan Jogia plays Beck in the Nickelodeon TV series Victorious. As of February 9th, 2011, he is 19 years of age.
victoria justice dont have no children cuz shes not married
she is 19
Victoria Dawn Justice in 2010 she is 18 her birthday is on February 19,1993 :)