Comic and game show host Wayne Brady is 45 years old (birthdate: June 2, 1972).
Wayne Brady has 1 child
Wayne Brady's mothers name is Linda Newton
Wayne Brady's credits do not list any appearances on any of the 'Law and Order' series.
Wayne brady is 6'0
Yes, Wayne Brady has 1 kids
Yes, Wayne Brady has 1 kids
Wayne Brady has 1 child
Wayne Brady has 1 child
Wayne Brady was born on June 2, 1972.
Wayne Brady was born on June 2, 1972.
Wayne Brady was born on June 2, 1972
Wayne Brady's mothers name is Linda Newton
The duration of The Wayne Brady Show is 1800.0 seconds.
The cast of Wayne Brady Live - 2009 includes: Wayne Brady as himself Jonathan Mangum as himself
Wayne Brady was born on June 2, 1972