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I think she is about 30 but she is Freb's aunt and Phenias's mom cause Ferb is Phenias's dad's brother's son. He lives with his uncle cause his parents passed away or something. If u see the song "little brother" in phenias and ferb u will see ferb at about 6 years old coming to phenias's house holding the british flag.

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13y ago

Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher are both 10-12 years old while their sister, Candace Flynn is 15.

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13y ago

It's never said, as are most of the ages sadly.

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Q: How old is Phineas?
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Phineas (Vincent Martella) is 17 and Ferb (Thomas Sangster) is 19. But in the show they are probally 10 or 11.

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ferb is eleven and Phineas is eight

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