Leon Thomas III is 24 years old (born August 1, 1993).US jazz singer Amos Leon Thomas Jr. was 61 years old when he died on May 8, 1999 (born October 4, 1937).
David Hasselhoff was born in 1952. Knight Rider aired from 1982-1986, making David 30-34 years old.
It is written on the first page of Vampire Knight manga chapter 24, on onemanga.com, that Zero Kiriyuu is 17 years old. * !*XD
Carol Knight Armstrong is 669 years old. She married Neil Armstrong in 1999 and was 15 years younger than him.
Nike co-founder Phil Knight is 79 years old (birthdate: February 24, 1938).
Leon Knight was born on September 16, 1982.
Leon Knight was born on September 16, 1982.
Ponce de Leon's nickname was "The Lion of the Sea" (El Leon del Mar).
Lourdes leon is 14 years old!
Juan Ponce de Leon
Leon Robinson IV, aka Leon, is 56 years old (birthdate March 8, 1962).
Leon Sylvers still produces music for artists like Gladys Knight. Leon Sylvers is known asÊone of the most successful producers of the 1970s and 1980s.
Juan Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who became the first Governor of Puerto Rico. He was nicknamed "the poor knight", when he was just a child.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Arnold Leon is 25 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Sandy Leon is 25 years old.
Leon Spinks is 58 years old (birthdate: July 11, 1953).
Janet Leon is 20 years old (birthdate: October 19, 1990).