Jessie Wallace - who plays Kat Moon - is 39 years old.
Her birthday is 25 September 1971.
Kat Moon celebrates her birthday on 14 January 1970 making her 40 years old.
Jessie Wallace (who plays Kat) is 41.
mercy in eastenders is 19 years old
She has been in EastEnders on and off since 2000. Her first stint was 2000-2004. She then made another appearance in 2005 before returning again in 2010.
How old is the boy whow plays Luke on jessie
in eastenders 6 or 7 in real life i have no idea
Jessie Wallace (who plays Kat) is 41.
Kat Moon is played by Jessie Wallace.
mercy in eastenders is 19 years old
Ben from eastenders is 14.
Jessie J is 22 years old.
Zeri is 7 years old
She has been in EastEnders on and off since 2000. Her first stint was 2000-2004. She then made another appearance in 2005 before returning again in 2010.
How old is the boy whow plays Luke on jessie
in eastenders 6 or 7 in real life i have no idea
she is 34 years old
26 years old.
65 yrs old