Birthday 29 July, 2975
The Professor, owner of Planet Express Delivery.
Yes futurama is very Cool
Amy Duncan is 40 years old.
There were 4 Futurama movies made after the series original cancellation, in order - Futurama: Bender's Big Score, Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs, Futurama: Bender's Game, and Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder.
Amy Wong is from western Mars, Santa clause lives on Neptune. Leela is a mutant from the sewer.
Birthday 29 July, 2975
The Professor, owner of Planet Express Delivery.
Yes futurama is very Cool
Amy is 27
amy rose is 19 years old
amy Nicoletto is 37 yrs old
There was Yes & it was the last season of Futurama.
Leela - Futurama - was created in 1999.
Fry - Futurama - was created in 1999.
Futurama Comics was created in 2000.