Jayden/Red Samurai Ranger is played by Alex Heartman .
Erika Fong!
alex heartman
US actor Alex Heartman is 27 years old (birthdate: February 26, 1990).
No, Brittany Pirtle and Alex Heartman are not dating. Alex however does have a girlfriend but it's none of the primary actors that played Power Rangers that you'll see clearly on-screen.
Alex Heartman was born in 1990.
Alex Heartman is 22
Alex Heartman was born on February 26, 1990, in Sacramento, California, USA.
Jayden/Red Samurai Ranger is played by Alex Heartman .
Erika Fong!
no, actually they are friends. Alex heartman likes brittany Anne pirtle more and they also are a perfect couple
One eye is purple and the other is a grayish pinkish.
he is afraid of selena gomez
brittany anne pirtle