many people say that it is, yet, it has been proven inaccurate on many occasions.
Troy is a movie (loosely) based in the Iliad. It of course is inaccurate to the story, but it is a wonderful movie.
Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.Both women stuck to the script that was written for them. That's the best that can be said about either movie. I personally liked the 1999 version as Leonor Varela is a much better actress than E. Taylor was at the time. Both movies were horribly historically inaccurate and should be watched for purely entertainment purposes, not for historical ones.
Sharing in sharing and caring is caring. It pretty much means to help and be happy to help someone.
The comparison of these factors will be inaccurate without proper government surveys. But you can assure that Kerala police will be on the top of list.
It will provide information to help formulate a new hypothesis in the future.(:
Personal accounts are inaccurate and biased.
the lyrics to that song were inaccurate.
That is the correct spelling of "inaccurate" (not correct, or not precise).
inaccurate is the opposite of accurate, it means you are wrong.
Your question is inaccurate to answer, rephrasing it may help us better to answer you question.
Some prefixes for "accurate" are: in-, mis-, un-. These prefixes can change the meaning of the word to inaccurate, inaccurate, and inaccurate, respectively.
antonym for "accurate" would be imprecise; inexact; inaccurate; incorrect; off the mark;
An Inaccurate Memoir was created on April 24th, 2012.
You know when you are giving inaccurate answers when you don't know the answer. If you believe you sort of know the answer, but don't really know it, chances are that you are giving inaccurate answers. It is up to you whether or not you know when you are giving inaccurate answers.
She always help
the girl was inaccurate when she said the answer to 1+1 was 100.