32, in New York at least.
RCN Cable services Boston, Chicago, D.C. Metro area, Lehigh Valley, New York City and Philadelphia. RCN is a competitive digital entertainment provider.
Try going to TV Guide.com and find it, or you can try visiting the TV Guide Channel.
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One can find cable TV operators in New York by looking at a hard version of the phonebook. It would be right under "cable providers". You can also go by word of mouth and ask people who have service in New York.
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Time Warner Central New York or Time Warner Cable New York. RoadRunner ISP in New England area.
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It is channel 27 in new York
740 and 40
Comcast Cable is the provider for the Saratoga Springs area of New York. They offer a Digital Cable package with 270 channels for $44.99 a month.
Time Warner Cable/Northeast services New England and New York with digital cable TV, high speed internet, and home phone. NECN.com is New England Cable News, a Boston-area source for local news.
The most popular cable television provider in New York is RCN New York City. Other providers in most areas of the city include Verizon FiOS, Time Warner Cable, and satellite services such as DishNetwork. All of these companies have toll free, 24 hour telephone numbers for consumer information.
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IO digital cable is not an AV cable, but it is the former name of digital cable television now called Optimum TV. It is a service offered by Cablevision in the New York vicinity.
Most apartments will not allow you to install a satellite dish because they must be mounted. Some of the better cable companies in the state of New York are Time Warner Cable and Comcast Cable.