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You will be taken into custody but I doubt Florida will pay to extradite from Colorado.Another View: the above statement is not exactly true. If the attachment is for a felony offense, there is a good likelihood that FL will extradite you.
it cost 14.99
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how much does it cost extradite smeone
about 400 dollars my uncle did the same thing
No knowledgeable way to answer this question.
i believe all states can and will extradite... it seems to depend rather on whether the crime was violent or not, whether the warrant says extradite... it does cost the state money to bring someone back. All i can say is that if you are on a Native American reservation they cannot extradite you unless they have the cooperation of the reservation police.
Yes, if the charge is serious enough to justify the cost of the extradition.
Yes, however in this economy, the states are reevaluating the cost of doing so.
Considering that it is a federal offense, I would expect them to extradite from anywhere. You would be much better off to deal with it instead of hiding.
Fly you in an airplane, or drive you in a vehicle.
Depends on the severity of the crime they want to extradite for.
For felony offenses, most states WILL extradite.
Yes. And you are likely to pick up the cost of transportation.
Yes, however, it is unlikely unless the charge is a felony. For example, Nebraska most likely will not extradite someone who is wanted for skipping court on a misdemeanor.