Molly Roloff does not own any Webkinz.
Molly Roloff is 15 years old and her birthday is the same as her mothers, Amy Roloff. Molly's birthday is September 17,1993.
5'8 1/2
This fall, Jacob will be in the sixth grade, and Molly will be in the tenth grade. Right now it May 25, 2009.
Molly Roloff's birth name is Molly Jo Roloff.
Molly Roloff does not own any Webkinz.
Molly Roloff goes by Moll.
Molly Roloff is 15 years old and her birthday is the same as her mothers, Amy Roloff. Molly's birthday is September 17,1993.
Molly Roloff was born on September 17 1993. So she is 15 as of June 2009. She will be 16 this October.
5'8 1/2
A public fan mail address for Molly Roloff is not known at this time. provide personal contact information for celebrities and noncelebrities alike.
September 17, 1963. Molly Roloff's birthday is also September 17th (1993).
That's something that you would need to find out yourself.
This fall, Jacob will be in the sixth grade, and Molly will be in the tenth grade. Right now it May 25, 2009.
Twitter: @molly_roloff