the twilight book in paperback cost $5.50 at walmart and the hardcover of twilight is $9.00 at walmart
483976954 BUCKS
The cost of a Geronimo Stilton book can vary depending on the format (hardcover, paperback, eBook) and seller. On average, a new paperback Geronimo Stilton book can range from $7 to $10. Older or used copies may be available for less.
The paperback version of The Book of Shadows by Phyllis Court is $10.63 on the Amazon US webstore. There are eighty-five used copies for sale that start at $0.01.
Yes, it does have a paperback; a small, dark grey book that looks much to small.
for a normal paperback in whsmiths its about £7.99
$0.69 was the cost of a book in the 1930's.
The cost of Eragon can vary depending on the format and where you purchase it from. On average, a paperback copy of Eragon may cost around $7-10, while an e-book version could range from $5-8. You can also check for used copies or library options to find it at a lower cost or for free.
paperback- $15 hardcover- $30
It really depends of which book and if it is hard cover or paper back. The first book The Sorcerers Stone might be around $7.00 for paperback and around $15.00 for hardback.
about $18 in hardback. (the paperback version is not out yet.)