It obviously varies from TV to TV, but between 0.3 and 10 watts, with newer ones taking less.
About 100w for a cathode ray tube and 60w for an LCD.
110v x 3.2 a=352 watts time 5= 17600.00 watts or 353 watts per hour
Yes, and it is also very destructive but it requires a huge amount of power.
Yes. Watts = Volts X Amps or Power measured in watts, equals voltage times current.This can be changed around to solve for any of the unknown variables.Current in amps equals watts divided by voltsVolts equals watts divided by ampsIs that what you need? There are additional formulas for current, resistance and voltage comparisons and calculations. Look up "Ohms law" on the internet for more detailed information.AnswerNo. You cannot compare the two, as they are used to measure different quantities.
Mannitol is used to treat cerebral edema (swelling of brain cells - this does not make you smart, this makes you have coma). Mannitol has the ability to increase plasma osmolality but cannot pass through cell membrane. When plasma ormolality is higher than the cell osmolality due to Mannitol in plasma, the cell tries to balance it by letting water pass through cell membrane into plasma. This reduces edema.
100 watts
1,000 watts
2000 watts RMS is equivalent to 2000 watts. RMS (Root Mean Square) is a method used to measure the power of an electrical signal.
The average household fan used in US or Canada is about 35-50 watts.
A Wii typically uses around 18-25 watts when being actively used, and around 6-9 watts when in standby mode.
Excision used 100,000 watts for the X tour. Excision is a Dubstep/Electronic producer.
A typical light bulb uses around 60 watts of power.
Different Fat models like the first ones used more watts than the later ones and all more than the 250 watts used in the slim model
Plasma can be used for burn victim's. The plasma can be poured directly on to the burn and used to begin to created a scab.
A plasma thruster is any thruster that uses plasma to provide thrust, hence the name. They are usually used on spacecrafts to push the craft into the right orbit. Plasma is the fourth state of matter. It is VERY hot and can be pressurized and can be controlled easily using electrodes and electromagnets. So, it's pretty useful for thrusters. The gas that will be turned into a plasma goes into a chamber. The gas is then turned into plasma by either direct current, radio waves or microwaves. Plasma can also be made by heat, but it would have to be really hot and would be very inefficient. The plasma is then contained by electromagnets. The plasma is sometimes heated even further to be more pressurized and provide more thrust. Then the plasma is made to shoot out in a steadyoutwardway by using electrodes or magnets. And, that's how plasma thrusters work.
When a light bulb is rated at 60 watts, it means that it consumes 60 watts of electrical power when it is turned on. This power consumption determines the brightness of the bulb and is used to measure its energy usage.
A 15 amp circuit can safely handle up to 1800 watts of power.