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one or two i think

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Q: How many type of transformer?
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How many wires are input in a berry-type transformer?

1 wire is input in this type of transformer.

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Which type of transformer is use in gss?

Frgi transformer

What type of transformer used in bed lamps?

If the bed lamps use a low voltage bulb then the type of transformer will be a step down transformer.

What kind of transformer for going from 120v to 220v?

This type of a transformer is known as a step up transformer.

What is the function of askerals in a transformer?

its a type of transformer oil which provides insulation ...

What type of transformer is found outside a residential house?

Stepdown Transformer.

What type of transformer decreases the voltage produced by the source.?

step-down transformer

What type of device is used to increase or decrease the voltage of an electric current?

The device used to increase or decrease the voltage of an electric circuit is a step up transformer or a step down transformer respectively. A Variable Resistor

What type of transformer is used in a resistance furnace?

A resistance furnace runs on electricity so it will be some type of electrical transformer.

What type of transformer has only a single winding?

the auto transformer is the one winding transformer. it ismaily used in practical purpose.

Why auto transformer is lighter than conventional type?

because the copper is saved in the auto transformer that is the ratio of weights of copper in auto transformer to normal transformer is (1-(1/a)) where a is transformer ratio