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Q: How many seasons are in a savanna?
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How many types of climate are there in Ghana?

Steppe and Savanna

How many seasons are there in Kenya?

2 seasons

How many seasons does the rain forest have?

4 seasons!!

How many pucca seasons are there?

There are three Pucca seasons

How many seasons does Godzilla the series have?

Three seasons.

Related questions

How do lions adapt to seasons?

the fearist animal in savanna

What are the seasons like in the tropical savanna desert?

The savanna is a separate biome and not a desert. It receives more rainfall than a desert.

Are there any seasons common to areas within the savanna?

Yes, spring

What area is warm year round and has prolonged dry seasons and scattered trees?


Why are long lines of bushes common in the savanna?

In the savanna there are two seasons, rainy and dry. In the savanna the bushes are low and on hillsides and are drought resistant thorn bushes. Hope this helps......... Another reason might be that the water flows in long lines.......

What is the economic impact of a savanna?

the impact of the savanna is when humans leave waste and this would effect the savanna in many ways.

How do you use savanna in a sentence?

Lions can often be found roaming the savanna in search of prey.

What climate is of a lion?

lions live in a hot climate and are found in Africa savanna regions where there are distinct wet and dry seasons.

What is Rwanda like?

Rwanda is a sovereign state in central and east Africa, located a few degrees south of the equator. The land is dominated by mountains in the west and savanna to the east, with many lakes throughout. Rwanda has two rainy seasons and two dry seasons each year.

Where is the savanna biome located?

The savanna biome is primarily located in Africa, but can also be found in parts of South America, Australia, and India. It is characterized by grasslands with scattered trees and shrubs, as well as distinct wet and dry seasons.

How many people like the Savanna Desert?

The savanna is semi-arid grassland and not a desert.

What is a one difference between Sahel and savvana?

One difference between the Sahel and savanna is their climate. The Sahel is a semi-arid region with less precipitation than the savanna, which has a more tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons.