The official Pizza Hut slogan is "America's Favorite Pizza".Pizzas all day every day
Tobi because nobody could defeat him. But i think if naruto fight Tobi Tobi will get kill
Tobi was trained by Madara
Tobi Vail was born on July 20, 1969.
approx. over 3 million
well my mum rellay fussy of me eating to many 2 a day
4 pizzas
35 per day
i ate 53332 in just one hole day and jordan is not fat at all what do you say about that?
Anthony tran
If you joined 8 half pizzas together you would have 4 whole pizzas. Two halves make a whole.
Pizzas that really dosent make sense !
2 pizzas are maid in one minute
The official Pizza Hut slogan is "America's Favorite Pizza".Pizzas all day every day