This is what I have come up with, though I think that there must be more to it:
Ross, barry, joey, mark, paulo, russ, "Ben Stiller", Joshua, Danny, paul, tag, "blind date", "bar guy"
Chandler, Richard, pete, Ethan, bobby, chip matthews
Mike, Gary, david, roger, Ryan, "sister's stalker", "athletic guy", fireman", "kindergarten teacher", "health inspector", "guy who works for monica", Eric, Parker, "man from divorcing couple"
Rachel, carol, Julie chloe Emily charlie elizabeth celia bonnie "messy house girl" "girl who lives far away" girls who lives closer" janice, "woman from divorcing couple, mona, "blind date girl"
Monica janice kathy "sleep clinic girl", joanna
rachel kate charlie ursula "brooke shields character" kathy "girl who liked to punch him" janine "ross and rachels nanny" "girl from the adoption agency"
Kagome's good friends were: Inuyasha,Sango,Miroku,Shippo,Koga,Iome,Myoga,Kirara,Rin,Keade,Totosai,Kohaku,and her three friends in her hometown.Kagome's Befriended friends were: Kikyou,Kanna,Seshomarru and Jaken.The Other characters aren't much friends to kagome.;)
Depends on how many characters you got and how many columns it got
22 Main Characters
Many rumors say that Cristiano ronaldo and kim kardashian broke up bcuz he cheated on her, others say that they never even went out that he just said that they were just good friends and that they only went on a date but it wasnt a date that they are really close friends
No. Alpha and Rex are 2 different characters. Many people do mistaken Rex for Alpha due to the similarities in color on their armor. But no, they are not the same characters.
6 characters
really the main chacaters would be six of them
6 main characters, Rachel Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross. However there are may episodes with returning characters like Gunther, Mike, Richard, Carol, Susan and many more
27 characters
1 crore people
When all characters are unlocked, there is a total of 35 characters.
basicaly means your a tease or a flirt and have no need or want to settle down but rather date many people at once and have tons of friends with benifits, or your hurt and just don't want to date or be in anything serious at the moment.
It is round 40 if you don count the bosses.
There are many people in the world who are friends and girls. These girls are friends for many different reasons.
52 CN characters
many different people
lots of people have "friends" that are pets