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We have many types of Kiwis, two bats, a litte owl cald a morpork and a nocturnal parot called a Kakapo. Also hedgehogs, possums, mice and rats have been imported.

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Q: How many nocturnal animals are in new zealand?
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What animals in New Zealand is a nocturnal?

The Australian brush tailed possum, the Kiwi, the Morepork, and young Tuatara.

Is kiwi a country in New Zealand?

No. New Zealand is the only country in New Zealand. A kiwi is a small, nocturnal, flightless bird endemic to New Zealand.

How many animals are in New Zealand?

1...there is only 1 animal in new zealand.

What are some examples of nocturnal birds from New Zealand?

the kiwi bird is the only nocturnal bird in new zealand. unless one includes the Morepork (or Ruru) and the Kakapo

A flighless New Zealand parrot?

The Kakapo is a flightless nocturnal New Zealand parrot, the only one in the world.

Which animal you will not find in the wild in New Zealand?

There are many animals that are not indigenous to New Zealand, the giraffe for example

How many nocturnal parrots are there left in the world?

The only nocturnal parrot in the world is the kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) of New Zealand. It is critically endangered, with only 122 known individuals.

How many New Zealand animals eat bamboo?

None that I am aware of.

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How do animals interact in the temperate rainforest of New Zealand

What animals are legal to have as pets in New Zealand?

Some animals that are legal to have in New Zealand are dogs, cats, and birds.

Do deer live in New Zealand?

not mainly wild, but many deer farms. ------------------------------------------------------------- The deer found in New Zealand are not native animals, they were brought there by man.

Can you go to jail in New Zealand for abusing animals?

Yes you can go to jail for abusing animals in New Zealand because I got put in jail for abusing my animals.