How much help the Gosselins have had while raising their children is a hot topic on message boards and blogs about 'Jon & Kate Plus 8."
While Kate Gosselin contends that they have never had a nanny, other say that the Gosselins have had substantial round-the-clock help since the birth of the sextuplets. Initially, a cadre of organized volunteers and a state funded nurse helped the Gosselins care for their children. After the first year, the state stopped funding for the nurse, but some volunteers continued to assist the Gosselins.
Then, Dr. Phil provided a the Gosselins with a girl from Nannies 4 Hire.
Still, the Gosselins continue to assert that they have never had a nanny.
As their fame grew, the Gosselins continue to use paid "people" to help them manage their brood of 8. While they may not be nannies, they do things that most people would typically associate with a nanny caring for children.
The exact number is not known, however the Gosselin's former nurse said that Kate Gosselin had fired more than 2 dozen nurses prior to her arrival in the Gosselin home.
No Kate Gosslein did not fire alot of nannies and she never said they will have a nanny it is a babysittier. Jenny more than likely was in able to watch them anyone or do to their move they neede d someone who lived closer to them for like the reason when ALexis bit htrough her lip.
The Gosselins dont eat Mcdonalds
The Gosselins are a nuclear family, parents and children living together.
Kate Gosselin has 3 sisters and a brother.
No not unless Kate knows you.
There is no official count of the number of nannies employed in the US as many nannies work independently or through informal arrangements. However, estimates suggest there are hundreds of thousands of nannies working in the US.
Whatz up guyz this is Justin bieber,Gosselins has MANY silly bands.
Michael Jackson was very particular about nannies for his children and only kept one, Grace Rwaramba.
nannies are used for protecting your children when ever asked to.
No Kate Gosslein did not fire alot of nannies and she never said they will have a nanny it is a babysittier. Jenny more than likely was in able to watch them anyone or do to their move they neede d someone who lived closer to them for like the reason when ALexis bit htrough her lip.
The Gosselins dont eat Mcdonalds
The Gosselins have rhode island reds
More than normal people can afford
There are many things that nannies say about their life. They might be upset that they are unable to fix it, or that they are stuck watching kids 24/7. Some nannies are happy with their lives.