Richard Pryor has 7 children
There are 129 movies listed with Sonny Chiba appearing in them on the Internet Movie Data Base.
There are many places to find actors in movies. Good guys are usually the prominent actors, and will appear at the top of lists in such places as IMDB or Wikipedia.
how many movies has sean connery been in
14 movies
Richard Pryor has 7 children
The ShootistThe AlamoBig Jake
Six movies. Two short films and four movies the last one will be out in 2012 Corpus Christi, and he produced seven films
There are 129 movies listed with Sonny Chiba appearing in them on the Internet Movie Data Base.
Twelve movies are listed that he has credits in.
64 times
Ghosts appear in four of Shakespeare's plays: "Hamlet," "Macbeth," "Richard III," and "Julius Caesar."