The driving distance is 360 miles. Since there is sometimes more than one route, including back roads, this is an approximate but accurate distance. It is based on the most well-known routes between these two locations.
550,000 miles per another posting
Monuriki, Fiji, The Philippines, Moscow Russia, Memphis, Tennessee, Malibu, California, Los Angeles, California, Farm to Market Roads 48 and 1268 (crossroads), Mobeetie, Texas, USA," Canadian, Texas and Universal City, California.
The driving distance from San Francisco, CA, to Las Vegas, NV, is 568mi / 914km
I don't know about Austin, but Texas has 80 million miles of roads. That enough to circle the globe 5x's.
Texas with 303,176 miles of public roads
Texas has the most miles of paved roads, i believe it's somewhere around 250,000 miles of paved roads
3 hours....if you take the back roads around 2.5
The State Highway system of Alabama, Louisiana and Texas is quite adequate.
Interstate, US, State and Farm-To-Market highways are maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation. County highways and roads are generally maintained at the county level.
The driving distance is 360 miles. Since there is sometimes more than one route, including back roads, this is an approximate but accurate distance. It is based on the most well-known routes between these two locations.
Assuming you mean Longview, Texas, a little more than 200 miles. It's a rather time consuming drive as well, due to the speed traps of places such as Mt Enterprise and Henderson, the strange routing of roads through Nacogdoches, and the awful traffic of north Houston. -D. Edwards
The driving distance is 215 miles. Since there is sometimes more than one route, including back roads, this is an approximate but accurate distance. It is based on the most well-known routes between these two locations.
1. America - 3,972,801 miles of roads 2. India - 2,393,173 miles of roads 3. China - 1,124,575 miles of roads 4. Brazil - 1,071,821 miles of roads 5. Japan - 731,526 miles of roads
There is a supplement store on 5901 Westheimer Road in Houston, Texas 77080. It is near Chase bank and Nazars Fine Jewelry. The nearest cross roads are Fountain View Drive and Westheimer road.
Subdivision roads aren't the jurisdiction of CDOT. Those typically fall under municipal or county governments, or, in some cases, homeowners associations.