Auckland to Tulsa is 6619miles / 12258 km via a great circle path (i.e. shortest path)
7,267 miles
The distance between '''Naples, Florida and '''Christchurch, New Zealand is '''8193 miles (13185 km).'''''''''
The distance between Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia is 1337 miles (2151 km).
The shortest driving distance is 254 miles.
Tampa, Florida is about 17 hours away from New Zealand when flying by plane. There is 8,122 miles between Florida and New Zealand.
You can only get to Kiska Island by boat from mainland Alaska, and the nearest airport is in Anchorage. The distance to there is 7,515 miles. Then you would have to travel about 1200 miles by boat.
a[approximately How many miles off the coast of Australia is New Zealand?
8977 miles
5,097 miles
Alaska and New Zealand
You can't drive from Indiana to New Zealand!
The average flight distance is 11, 660 miles, depending on where in New Zealand you go to.
The total distance between Greece and New Zealand is 10,956 miles, or 17,632 kilometres.
7,267 miles
roughly 4600 miles
294 miles
11682 miles (18800km ) (10152 nautical miles )