It is 68.1 miles from Bloomfield, Indiana to Franklin, Indiana.
The total area of Indiana is 36,418 square miles.
Indiana's width is 140 miles (225 kilometers).
70 miles
Indiana is 270 miles long (north to south) and 140 miles wide (east to West).
Columbus, IN to Bloomington, INFrom Columbus, Indiana to Bloomington, Indiana is 37 miles.
It is 213.17 miles from Indianapolis to Richmond, KY.
147 miles down I-70.
It it 2,296 miles.
The distance between Indiana's state line and Columbus OH is about 119 road miles.
It is 807 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 909 miles according to Google Maps.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Columbus, Ohio and Richmond, Virginia is 478 miles. The resulting travel time is 8 hours and 24 minutes.
The airport that is closest to Columbus in Georgia would be the Columbus Metropolitan Airport. The closest international airport is the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Atlanta. This airport is around 100 miles away from Columbus.
From Richmond, Virginia to Boston, Massachusetts is 474.0 miles.
It is 68.1 miles from Bloomfield, Indiana to Franklin, Indiana.