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The Titanic was originally fitted with 16 davits, each with 4 lifeboats, which was more than enough for everyone on board. The White Star Line (Ismay) ordered the removal of three lifeboats per davit, leaving only 16 lifeboats, as the line claimed the full 64 lifeboats made the ship look bad. After the Titanic sank, her two sister ships, Olympic and Britannic, were both fitted with the full 64 lifeboats.

There were 14 wooden lifeboats with a capacity of 65 persons each, 4 collapsible lifeboats with a capacity of 47 persons each, and 2 rescue cutters with a capacity of 40 persons each, for a total of 20 lifeboats. There were also 3500 lifebelts aboard and 48 life rings, but they were useless in the icy water. Amazingly there were more lifeboats aboard than required by the Board of Trade. The Board of Trade only required enough lifeboats on board to hold 1,060 persons. Titanic's lifeboats held a capacity of 1,178 persons, more than required by law in 1912. This was because the lifeboat law was based on the ship's weight, not on the ship's number of passengers. Through this disaster, we learned that the laws need to be changed.

Emergency Lifeboats x 2

Wood cutter

25 ft. 2 in. Long

7 ft. 2 in. Broad

3 ft. deep

326 cubic ft.

Capacity: 40 persons.

Standard Lifeboats x 14

Wood constructions

30 ft. long

9 ft. 1 in. Broad

4 ft. deep

655 cubic ft.

Capacity: 65 persons.

Englehardt Collapsible Lifeboats x 4

27 ft. 5 in. Long

8 ft. broad

3 ft. deep

376.6 cubic ft.

Capacity: 47 persons
The Titanic carried only about 20 lifeboats, or enough to save about 1/3 of the crew and passengers on board the boat. It was originally designed to carry 32 boats, but the number was reduced because designers felt that the deck would be excessively cluttered. The ship actually had enough davits, or lifeboat supports, to carry 64 lifeboats, but most of them remained unfilled.
There was 14 wooden lifeboats with a capacity of 65 persons each, 4 collapsible lifeboats with a capacity of 47 person each, and 2 rescue cutters with a capacity of 40 persons each, a total of 20 lifeboats. There was also 3500 lifebelts aboard and 48 life rings but they were useless in the icy water. Amazingly there were more lifeboats aboard the required by the Board of Trade. The Board of Trade only required enough lifeboats on board to hold 1,060 persons. Titanic's lifeboats held a capacity of 1,178 persons more then required by law in 1912. This was because the lifeboat law was based on the ship's weight not on the ship's amount of passengers. Through this disaster we learned that the laws need to be changed.
she had 20 lifeboats. 16 wood 4 collapsibles. I listed all of them. Lifeboat #1-,#16, Collapsibles A,B,C,D.
The lifeboats comprised 16 wooden lifeboats with a capacity of 65 persons each and four collapsible lifeboats with a capacity of 47 persons each.
Titanic launched all of her twenty lifeboats when the ship sank (altho lifeboat D was a close one).

Of the 19 boats that reached her, Carpathia lifted 13.
Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, which wasn't enough to fit even half of all the passengers that were on board
Titanic is the only major vessel to sink after having discharged all of her life boats (Lusitania, for example, got off a few but dragged many others down with her). Therefore there is no lifeboats on the wreck of Titanic.

Several davits, however, have been salvaged and are on display in the traveling Titanic Exhibition.
The 20 lifeboats that ended up on board the luxury liner were approximately half the amount required to handle the potential evacuation of the more than 2,000 passengers and crew members onboard. While the managing director of the shipbuilding company, Harland and Wolff, wanted to have 64 lifeboats on board, the justification for omitting them was the concern, expressed by the Titanic's owner, that an excess of lifeboats would have made the ship less visually appealing
Titanic had 20 lifeboats (for 2,208 passengers).

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15y ago

The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats with a total capacity of 1,178 persons. While not enough to hold all of the passengers and crew, the Titanic carried more boats than required by the British Board of Regulations. At the time, the number of lifeboats required was determined by a ship's gross register tonnage, rather than her human capacity. 20 life boats on the titanic not alot+most ladies had to row

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12y ago

6 <---- Sorry I'm afraid your wrong. The RMS Titanic had only 16 life boats in total. That was including four inflatable ones. Each boat could carry 60 people and yet only 710 people survived that freezing night 15th of April 1912.

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6y ago

For its maiden voyage, Titanic carried a total of 20 lifeboats of three different varieties: * Lifeboats 1 and 2: emergency wooden cutters: 25'2" long by 7'2" wide by 3'2" deep; capacity 326.6 cubic feet or 40 persons * Lifeboats 3 to 16: wooden lifeboats: 30' long by 9'1" wide by 4' deep; capacity 655.2 cubic feet or 65 persons * Lifeboats A, B, C and D: Englehardt "collapsible" lifeboats: 27'5" long by 8' wide by 3' deep; capacity 376.6 cubic feet or 47 persons Total capacity of 1,178 persons. The first lifeboat launched was Lifeboat 7 on the starboard side with 28 people on board out of a capacity of 65. It was lowered at around 00:40 as believed by the British Inquiry.[40][41] Lifeboat 6 and Lifeboat 5 were launched ten minutes later. Lifeboat 1 was the fifth lifeboat to be launched with 12 people. Lifeboat 11 was overloaded with 70 people. Collapsible D was the last lifeboat to be launched. The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats with a total capacity of 1,178 people. While not enough to hold all of the passengers and crew, the Titanic carried more boats than was required by the British Board of Trade Regulations. At the time, the number of lifeboats required was determined by a ship's gross register tonnage, rather than her human capacity. The Titanic showed no outward signs of being in imminent danger, and passengers were reluctant to leave the apparent safety of the ship to board small lifeboats. As a result, most of the boats were launched partially empty; one boat meant to hold 40 people left the Titanic with only 12 people on board it. With "Women and children first" the imperative for loading lifeboats, Second Officer Lightoller, who was loading boats on the port side, allowed men to board only if oarsmen were needed, even if there was room. First Officer Murdoch, who was loading boats on the starboard side, let men on board if women were absent. As the ship's list increased people started to become nervous, and some lifeboats began leaving fully loaded. By 02:05, the entire bow was under water, and all the lifeboats, save for two, had been launched.

Titanic carried 20 lifeboats with a total capacity of 1,178 people.
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15y ago

There Should Have Been 32 Life Boats On The Titanic But The Company Thought That Too Many Boats Would Have Ruined Some Of The Ships Beauty So There Were Only 20 Life Boats :D I Hope I Have Helped Answer This Question =) x

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6y ago

all of them but the life boats werent all the way filled up with people because they were in such a rush
All 20 of the Titanic's lifeboats were launched, but only a few were filled to capacity (around 60 people). Many others had as little as a dozen passengers in them.
20 lifeboats left the titaic
They could only fill 13 in the time before it sunk. This is where the number gained its bad reputation. The movie failed to show this as they were scared it would leave the audience morbid.

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13y ago

there was 20 lifeboats to fit up to 70 people in each but the crew filled the least of 12

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12y ago

The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, enough for 1178 people.

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12y ago

There were 20 life boats on the ship

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Q: How many lifeboats were on the Titanic?
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How many people were acutally loaded into the lifeboats on the Titanic?

There were 712 survivors of Titanic in the lifeboats.

How many lifbots were on the Titanic?

The Titanic was outfitted with 24 lifeboats.

How many livesboate were there on the Titanic?

There was 20 lifeboats on the Titanic. My opinion is that they should have had more lifeboats because people travelled on Her for a reason.

How many lifeboat were there in the Titanic?

Titanic carried a total of 20 lifeboats

How many lifeboat spaces were available on titanic lifeboat?

The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats with a total seating capacity of 1,178 people

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How many people were acutally loaded into the lifeboats on the Titanic?

There were 712 survivors of Titanic in the lifeboats.

How many lifeboats the titanic had?

On theTitanic's deck, there were 16 lifeboats

How many lifeboats were removed from the titanic?

All 20 lifeboats were discharged.

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Were there fifteen lifeboats on the titanic?

No, Titanic had twenty lifeboats.

How many celapsebals on Titanic?

Titanic had two collapsible lifeboats and two cutters. The other sixteen were ordinary lifeboats.

How many lifbots were on the Titanic?

The Titanic was outfitted with 24 lifeboats.

How many lifeboats were built on the titanic?

Titanic had twenty lifeboats. Sixteen regular ones, two collapsibles, and two cutters.

How many livesboate were there on the Titanic?

There was 20 lifeboats on the Titanic. My opinion is that they should have had more lifeboats because people travelled on Her for a reason.

How many lifeboat were there in the Titanic?

Titanic carried a total of 20 lifeboats

How many lifeboats where left on the Titanic?


How many lifeboat spaces were available on titanic lifeboat?

The Titanic carried 20 lifeboats with a total seating capacity of 1,178 people