It is 406.19 miles according to MapQuest.
It is an estimated 197.3 miles between San Antonio, Texas and Houston, Texas. The drive time between these cities is 2 hours and 51 minutes.
It is 197.32 miles according to MapQuest.
The distance between London, England and San Antonio, Texas is 4999 miles (8045 km). London (LON) to San Antonio, TX (SAT) Shortest Flight Duration * 12 hours 10 mins * Via Houston George Bush Intercontinental Ap, Houston (IAH)
The driving distance between San Francisco, CA and Houston, TX is 1928 miles. The driving time would be approximately 30 hours if driving non-stop in good conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
7 hours away
The duration of Bells of San Angelo is 1.3 hours.
About 2 and a half hours.
It is 406.19 miles according to MapQuest.
6 or 7 hours
211 Miles, or 3 hours and 25 minutes.
6 or 7 hours
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 20 hours and 46 minutes,
San Angelo = "Saint Angelo"
Well ,abouy 2 or three hours but san antonio is near Houston
MapQuest offers the estimated driving time as 3 hours and 8 minutes.
The address of the Railway Museum Of San Angelo is: 703 S Chadbourne St, San Angelo, TX 76903