The duration of The Foreman Went to France is 1.45 hours.
two night trains: 18:56 - 10:54 ( 17 hours) 10:25 - 07:51 ( more than 22 hours) enjoy
France is always 1 hour ahead even when Daylight Saving Time is force
6 hours or more
12 hours 15 mins807.3 miles
Mortality in France: approx. 9/1000. Mortality in Romania: approx. 12/1000.
approx. 3 hours
two hours.
Approx. 30 hours.
A maximum of 16 hours.
10 hours
Approx. 16 hours.
like 3 hours or so
The flight time is approx. 3 hours.
Paris - Bucharest: 2 292 km
The flight time is 12-14 hours.
The difference is only two hours.