two night trains:
18:56 - 10:54 ( 17 hours)
10:25 - 07:51 ( more than 22 hours)
the road distance between Bordeaux and Entrevaux (near Nice) is 837 km. The driving time is a little more than 8 hours.
It takes less than 12 hours to fly from San Francisco, California to Portugal's capital city at Lisbon [Lisboa]. Lisbon is 5,682 miles [9,144 kilometers; 4,937 nautical miles] east of San Francisco.The two cities aren't in the same time zone, and their daylight saving time [DST] start/end dates differ. When Lisbon and San Francisco are both on or both off DST, San Francisco is 8 hours behind Lisbon. For the brief time that one of them is on DST but the other isn't, San Francisco is only 7 hours behind.
The duration of Goya in Bordeaux is 1.78 hours.
23 hours and 59 seconds
the distance from Calais to Nazaré, Portugal is 2016 km. The driving time is 18 hours.
Around 2 hours, 20 minutes.
The flight time from NYC to Portugal is 6 hours, 49 minutes.
6 hours
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Lisbon, Portugal would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 35 minutes.
1300 miles, 21 hours
Lisbon/Porto is 313 Kms, driving time is just under 3 hours via the A1
approximately 6 hours and 45 minutes
A distance of 6,342 miles [10,206 kilometers; 5,511 nautical miles] separates Santiago, Chile from Lisbon, Portugal. It takes about 13 hours to fly from Santiago northeast to Lisbon.The two cities aren't in the same time zone. Both countries observe daylight saving time [DST] but their start/end dates differ. When both Lisbon and Santiago are on DST, Lisbon is 4 hours ahead of Santiago. When Santiago is on DST but Lisbon isn't, Lisbon is 3 hours ahead. When Lisbon is on DST but Santiago isn't, Lisbon is 5 hours ahead.
It is about 3,600 miles from New York City, NY to Bordeaux in France. A trip by jet takes about 7 to 8 hours.
Braga is in northern Portugal near Porto. Lisbon is in central Portugal. The approximate road travel distance between them is less than 400 kilometers [249 miles]. The approximate travel time is about 3 hours 30 minutes.
10 and a half hours direct.
A distance 985 miles [1,585 kilometers; 856 nautical miles] separates Lisbon, Portugal from London, England. It takes less than 3 hours to fly from London to Lisbon. Portugal and England are on the same time.