No exact number is known, but it's estimated to be around 2.2 million to 3 million people.
An estimated 55000 People in France
It is estimated that 85,000 to 100,000 people are homeless in France.
No straight person wants to be gay, and many gay people also do not want to be gay. But it's not a choice. A person is either gay or they aren't.
Well, Alpes France is very unpopular- 0 people live there
Yes, there are adverts aimed specifically at gay people - for example, McDonalds has released an advert targeted specifically at gay people in some parts of France.
There aren't many gay people. Only about 3% to 8% of the population is gay.
8,562 people are gay.
Being gay in France prior to World War II was legal, but still highly stigmatized. There were, however, a few gay clubs. Gay people couldn't be openly gay in most areas, but some small communities tolerated it.
Gay People typically do not marry Straight People.
People can be gay. There are many gay people in the world.
Paris, France, same as for straight people, 15yo.
Gay people can be happy. Many gay guys that are in relationships are usually happy. I'm gay and happy and single. Sometimes I am not happy but only because I feel lonely.
to find out how many gay people are in relationships, one must find out how many gay people there are in the world. Which is next to impossible because there are sill many homosexuals who still refuse to come out of the closet.
Surveys vary, but as of 2014, there are about 230,000 gay people in Louisiana.
An estimated 55000 People in France
Nobody dies from being gay. Gay is not a disease. People die from heart attacks, accidents, cancer and many other things.