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At 24 frames per second times 60 seconds equals 1440 frames per minute.

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Q: How many frames are there in 1 minute of movie time?
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How do you make a 2 minute movie by using movie maker?

Add visual media to the Time-line. Extend the media to the 2 minute mark. And there you have it ! A two-minute video.

Are time frames nouns?

Yes, a word for a time frame is a noun, a word for a thing. A time frame is a thing: a moment is a thing; a minute is a thing a day is a thing a month is a thing a year is a thing a century is a thing an eon is a thing

What is a real-time ultrasound?

By performing repeated scans over time, much like the frames of a movie, ultrasound can also reveal movement, such as the motions of a fetus. This technique is called real-time ultrasound.

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You can simply find out how many parts of a minute a certain number of seconds is by simply remember this formula: Time in seconds ÷ seconds per minute = time in minutes So based on that formula we get: 49 seconds ÷ 60 seconds per minute = 0.8166...7 minute.

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How is modern information technology contributing to the shrinking time frames of business transactions?"

What does per min mean?

=per minute e.g mile per minute(meaning how many miles a mobile object travels in one minute unit of time)

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Meters per minute, per minute M/min/min Think of it as "How many meters per minute is gained, per minute"

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A minute is a measurement of time. A light minute is a measurement of distance. it's the distance light would travel in one minute. (That's about 10 million miles!)

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i think it take 4 minute and half

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How many frames can passthrought a24port hub at one instance in time with no colllition occurring?

Since Hubs are Physical-layer devices and do not segment collision domains (which switches do), the answer is "one". Since switch DO segement collision domains, a switch can pass as many frames as it has ports.